Pet Care for Senior Citizens

senior and cat

It’s a well known fact that living with pets has a positive affect on a person’s well-being. Studies have shown that independently living seniors that have pets tend to have better physical and mental health than those that don’t. They are more active, cope better with stress, and have lower blood pressure.

This being said, often times seniors cannot have this benefit in their lives because they aren’t able to care for a pet on their own. They are sometimes unable to walk their dog, change the litter box or get their pet to a veterinarian. The basic needs can become to much of a burden over time and unfortunately this can lead to the heartbreaking result of the beloved pet being rehomed or given to an animal shelter.

Kritter Kids Pet Sitting LLC wants to do something to help the seniors in our community. We think it’s important to keep pets and owners together and want to do what we can to make that happen.

We would be happy to give seniors a discount on our services to ensure their four legged family members get to stay with them in their home.

Help is just a phone call or email away.  For more information and prices contact us through the contact form on this website or call 610-803-8287.


senior and dog